Sunday, November 18, 2012

June 2012

 Quite a few things going on behind these next couple of pages!  Finally Spring has sprung and we have gotten some work completed outside.  I took a Jessica Sprague course on using Photoshop Elements and then I went out and bought it along with a whole bunch of digital Project Life goodies too.  I made these collages of the garden updates and for this first time used a Design E page protector.  My favourite flower is a day lily - I made a trip to the PEI Lily Lady's gardens and bought myself a whole bunch of different Lilies - so how will I remember which ones are which??
 I took photos of each of the ones that I bought from the Lily Lady's site and listed them here..
 I made a "map" of where I planted them and tucked the map inside the photos so I can reference it in years to come - pretty smart eh?

 Off on my first adventure on my new bike - 5 states total - great time and only one day of rain!
 Rainy day in Portland Maine - so we rented a car and explored - it as Greg's birthday so we treated ourselves to a couple's massage at a fancy Spa and a treasured find for the restaurant!
 Laconia Bike week - the photos speak for themselves...

 Home again - there was a special event where the Confederation Bridge (second longest free standing bridge in the world) was closed for a couple hours and only bikes were allowed - we took part and it was pretty cool to see the never ending line of bikes over "our" bridge.
 I sat patiently on the floor under my deck to capture these shots - Momma Robin was working hard to feed the little ones
 Another bucket list item about to be fulfilled - My ultimate dream concert - Shania Twain - I have tickets to see her in Las Vegas March 29th 2012...counting the 'sleeps' already...

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